Feta Stuffed Zucchini - a nice summer dish

Přidal: Přidáno: 19.8.2014 22:12.39 Počet shlédnutí: 975

19 Srpen 2014

Zucchini filled with Feta and bread on a bed of garden tomato. An easy light summer dish.


Zucchini filled with Feta & Bread 

Serves 4


  • 2 medium sized organic zucchini
  • 3 thick slices of bread (we used sour dough but normal ciabatta or mixed bread will do just fine)
  • 3 free-range eggs
  • 75g of sour cream
  • 6 big organic tomatoes (we used bullsheart tomato which are ideal because of their low water content)
  • 1 pack of feta cheese
  • diverse herbs to your liking (ideal: lemon oregano, oregano, rosemary, basil)
  • pepper
  • Good extra virgin olive oil (like our Olivi oil)
  • handful of freshly grated parmeggiano (optional)
  • nutmeg (optional)



Pre-heat oven at 160 degrees Celsius.

Slice the zucchinis in half and take the seeds out (the mostly contain water and will make the dish mushy while you bake it).  Cut the bread slices in small cubes (see photo). Slice the tomatoes in 2-3cm thick slices. Wash the herbs, dry and chop them finely.

In a bowl mix the eggs, sour cream, pepper, feta and the herbs (I usually put a bit of nutmeg, but that is very much depending on your taste). Whisk them until creamy. Add the bread cubes and gently mix. Ideally taste it, don't worry if it is a bit too salty since the zucchini will absorb some.


Let it rest while you prepare the rest.

Take a large oven pan (we used two since we were missing a large one). Slightly oil the pan and place the tomato slices at the bottom. Use some oil on top of the slices to your liking (this is the stuff that you can dip your bread in later since the oil nicely mixes with the jiuces of the tomato - so we use quite a bit of oil). Slightly salt and pepper the tomatoe and place a basil leave on each slice.

tomato base

Place the zucchini halves on the tomato slices, slightly season them with salt and pepper. Fill them with the bread-feta mix. Sprinkle with parmeggiano (optional).

before baking

Place the pan in the middle of the oven until zucchini is cooked but still a bit crunchy and the cheese gets golden.

after baking

The baking time really totally depends on the zucchini you chose. We had "typical garden zucchini" which were quite hard so we had to bake them 35 minutes. Just use a fork and test the consistency of the zucchini. Once it is like you like it and the filling is hard - you are good to go. Remember zucchini is nice even raw - ask your vegan friends. :-)

Serve as on the photo (or nicer) and serve with fresh bread or oven potatoes (topped with a nice spoon of basil pesto).


Our recommendation for this fresh meal: Enjoy together with a nice glass of Zelia or Sintonia.


Please leave a comment and let us know how you enjoyed it or let us know how we can improve the recipe. 

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